openEHR Task Planning

Community News | Oct. 26, 2017, 6:04 p.m.

A lot of progress has been made and openEHR Task Planning is heading for implementation.

Version 1.0.0 of the openEHR Task Planning specification has been published, which will go into implementation immediately in the City of Moscow e-health project.

The current version is believed to be good enough for use in implementation, having been reviewed and worked on by our development team, including people from Marand (provider of the Moscow EHR platform implementation), DIPS (largest EMR vendor in Norway) and others from Tieto (Finland) and Moscow.

We are now looking at creating a visual language for it and over the coming months if we are on the right track, we will look seriously at representing full Care pathways of the sort published by NICE and other major health agencies, and then how to computably relate Task Plans for real patients and Care Pathways, which are for model patients.

Thomas's full blog provides more information, reflects on ways in which openEHR Task Planning is different from BPMN and CMMN, and even YAWL, along with diagrams and useful detail SEE HERE

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